These past 2 weekends I spent time working on talks and reviews in our Upstate New York retreat. I was grateful that our generator worked, oil was in good supply and only deer tracks interrupted the serenity of the 6 inches of snow and the as low as minus 10-degree temperature outside. As I gazed at this winter wonderland I contemplated where had these past almost 2 years gone. My husband and I had not been to an indoor restaurant, movie, theater, symphony, or concert, and had not travelled nationally or internationally. I have lived in NYC for my entire life—actually born in the Bronx—enjoyed all its offerings and have hope that its vibrancy will soon resume… During this 22 month we have learned how to strategically respond and cope with the unexpected and move forward. At PES, time has not stopped. At PES we are ready to take on new challenges.
On that note, the most important news I have to share is on the topic of our 2022 Annual Meeting. As most of you know by now, our PES Annual Meeting 2022 is Going Virtual!
After careful consideration, the Board of Directors made the unanimous decision to transition PES 2022 Annual Meeting to a fully virtual event to be held April 28-May 1, 2022. We recognize many members of our community may still be reluctant or unable to travel due to institutional mandates and other external factors and this year’s virtual event ensures you won’t miss out on the latest endocrine research.
Our goal for the 2022 Annual Meeting is to provide a unique opportunity to engage with colleagues and make new connections from around the world. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we make this transition. More information will be announced in the coming weeks. Please go to our website which will update meeting information continuously.
With that as a backdrop I will share some of the exciting topics that were discussed at our BOD meeting and most importantly share my great anticipation of the 2022 -50th PES anniversary meeting. At the Board Meeting we also met with our Mission Alliance Partners (MAP) who share our enthusiasm to move forward with plans to ensure that PES continues to be the “professional home and voice of Pediatric Endocrinology in North America.” (At the current count we have 1622 members and affiliates.)
At this time I want to share the Honored speakers and awardees for 2022 who will be acknowledged and or speak at our meeting.
- Michael Levine, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia will receive the Judson J. Van Wyk Prize
- Richard Auchus, MD, PhD, University of Michigan will give the Lawson Wilkins, MD Lecture
- Paul Kaplowitz, MD, PhD, Children’s National Hospital will deliver the Paul Kaplowitz Lectureship
- Joseph Martial, MD, University of Liège, Belgium will give the Del and Beverly Fisher Pediatric Endocrinology History Lectureship
- Rodolfo Rey, MD, PhD, Hospital de Niños Ricardo Gutièrrez, Buenos Aires and Annelou L.C. de Vries, MD, PhD, Amsterdam University Medical Center will give the International Plenaries
- The EDI Initative Plenary will be given by Nancy Spector, MD, Drexel University College of Medicine
- The Senior Researcher award will go to William Tamborlane, MD, Yale University School of Medicine
We announce as well 3 newer awards and encourage all to nominate folks for next year:
- The Educator Award will go to Takara Stanley, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital
- The Clinician Award will go to Ximena Lopez, MD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- The Young Investigator Award will go to Emily K. Sims, MD, Riley Hospital for Children
For a sneak peek of Annual meeting content; our Meet the Professor sessions, symposia and Doc in the Box line up, please visit the webpage. Registration coming soon!
Again to highlight the special projects that I have personally been involved in:
Timeline Project
- Designed to codify the rich history of pediatric endocrinology over the past 5 decades.
- Each “sub”-specialty has a defined “mini”-timeline.
Special Anniversary Edition of Hormone Research in Paediatrics
- Senior members will spearhead a celebratory special issue of HRP, tentatively scheduled for December 2022
Video Interviews:
- 40+ senior and junior members were asked a series of questions about their journey into and through a career in pediatric endocrinology
- Fireside chat with the three PES Presidents during the pandemic
We continue to partner with the NIH and have just held the NIH 101 symposium on 1/25/2022 led by Drs. Malozowski and Spain, and had over 40 participants by zoom. Information for next session:
Session 2: March 22nd, 2022- 7PM-8PM, Barbara Linder, MD, PhD: “The role of the Program Director” and John Connaughton, PhD: “The NIH and Peer Review of Grant Applications”
My next challenge in the remaining months of my presidency and beyond is to engage our MAP members in activities aimed to provide universal care and access to needed medications for our children. Included in this will be access to obtaining specific laboratory tests for those who are less than adequately insured and in need. At our Board meeting I am happy to say that a universal commitment to explore options and potential programs was voiced. More to come, shortly, I hope.
So as has become the tradition, I will discuss some January events. Martin Luther King Day passed. It was a particularly meaningful day for all to consider activities of service and how we can help maintain the dignity and well being of us all. As MLK said,
“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
And I add a few stanzas from the now famous poem by Amanda Gorman read at President Biden’s Inauguration, “The Hill We Climb.” In the beginning and closing stanzas, Gorman writes,
“When day comes, we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
The loss we carry. A sea we must wade.
We braved the belly of the beast.
We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always peace, and the norms and notions of what “just” is isn’t always justice.
And yet the dawn is ours before we knew it.
Somehow we do it.
Somehow we weathered and witnessed a nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished………..
When day comes, we step out of the shade of flame and unafraid.
The new dawn balloons as we free it.
For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it.
If only we’re brave enough to be it.”
Indeed our society is continuing to move forward and is dedicated to respond to the needs of our constituents.
And my last remark this month.
“Please stay positive and test negative.”
With appreciation,
Sharon Oberfield, MD
In Memorial: John Scott Parks – October 14, 1939 – December 23, 2021
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of John Scott Parks MD, PhD. Parks was an innovative researcher in the genetics and molecular mechanism of growth, a gifted teacher who was a world-renowned lecturer, a kind and gentle pediatrician, and a treasured colleague.
Dues renewal reminder!
As we turn the page on 2021, it is time to look ahead to all that 2022 has to offer. To take advantage of all of the PES member benefits (including discounted rate for the annual meeting!) You will want to be sure your dues are current. Checking your status is easy! Just follow these steps…and Remember…review ALL of the demographical fields in your record. We are collecting this info to be able to better tailor our resources based on the details of our members. Do not risk a lapse in your benefits. Renew today!
To access your membership record, simply visit the website and check your membership status by using your PES membership credentials and logging into this link
From here, use the menu bar on the right-hand side to select “My Membership.” This will give you access to your membership record and give you the option to renew. Please also review your complete record and make sure the demographical information is filled out and current.
News from the PES Equity, Diversity and Inclusion task force:
January recognizes two important days focused on equity, diversity and inclusion; Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday of Service, and International Holocaust Remembrance Day. February celebrates Black History Month. Visit our website to learn more:
Congratulations to our second round 2021 Rising Star Recipients:
Chang Lu. Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Olivia Ginnard Bentkowski, Texas Children’s Hospital – Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Abby Cobb-Walch, University of California, San Francisco, CA
Myrto Flokas, Children’s National Hospital, Washington, District of Columbia
Zubeyir Gun, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Inst. Of Child Health and Human Development, MD
Online Education: Student Endocrinology Exposure Development (SEED) Program
SEED Webinar: 14-Year-Old Boy Presenting with Pubertal Delay
February 2, 2022, 4:00pm – 5:00pm Eastern time
Kanika Shanker, MBBS, MD
During this presentation, Dr. Shanker will go over the questions to be asked during history taking process, including presenting complaint, past medical history, relevant physical examination, that will help to go over the various differential diagnosis. The later part of the presentation will discuss about the further evaluation and management of the Klinefelter syndrome.
Registration Link:
Learn more about the SEED Program: SEED – Pediatric Endocrine Society (
State of the Art: Turner Syndrome SIG
Title: Prenatal Diagnosis for Turner Syndrome: An Update
Speakers: Tazim Dowlut-Mcelroy, NICHD, NIH, Susan Howell, MS, CGC, MBA
February 18, 2022/ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET
Turner syndrome is increasingly diagnosed during pregnancy as a result of the ability of cell- free DNA testing of maternal plasm to detect mosaic sex chromosome abnormalities. An understanding of the advantages and potential pitfalls of this available technology allows the pediatric endocrinologist to play a key role in prenatal counselling.
Learning Objectives:
- To understand the various methods and limitations of currently available methods of prenatal screening and diagnosis for Turner syndrome
- To review an algorithm for evaluation of mother and fetus when non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is suggestive of Turner syndrome
REGISTER Meeting Registration – Zoom
For more about our Sate of the art sessions: PES SIG State of the Art Series – Pediatric Endocrine Society (
Prepared by: Brenda Kohn MD, Dania Al-Hamad MD, Ambika P. Ashraf MD
New Patient Resources:
Have you ever struggled to find a quick resource for patients and families to explain various endocrine conditions? Did you know that there are over 46 educational handouts on the PES website? These printable handouts provide concise explanations of the most common conditions that we treat and are written in language that is easy for families to understand. They cover a range of topics from congenital hypothyroidism to growth hormone injections, precocious puberty, and type 1 diabetes. They are easy to download, available in English, Spanish, Hindi, or Arabic and are endorsed by PES and AAP. Check them out at:
Not finding the topic you are looking for? We are always looking for suggestions on handouts that would be helpful to you and your patients. Please reach out to educational materials subcommittee co-chairs Dr. Kathleen Timme ( or Dr. Shelly Mercer ( with any topics you would like to see covered.
From the NIH: Open Mike: Farewell 2021, Time to Bring in 2022
By Mike Lauer
Farewell 2021, Time to Bring in 2022 – NIH Extramural Nexus
Call for Education Committee Volunteers!
We are looking for 1 to 2 volunteers to join the Webinars subcommittee of the Education Committee of PES. Responsibilities would include moderating the webinars, introducing speakers, and helping to invite speakers. This is a great opportunity for junior faculty to help network and work with experts in the field of pediatric endocrinology. Sign up on the website:
Fellow Spotlight – Samuel Cortez, MD
Meet Samuel:
APP Member Spotlight – Camille S. Wheeler, MSN, FNP-C, CPN, RN
Meet Camille:
PES 50th Anniversary Timeline project – Historical Fact Sneak Peek:
Historical Tidbit : Paul Langerhans (July 25, 1847-July, 20, 1888) Submitted by Alan D. Rogol MD, Ph.D
SRCD Statement of Evidence: Gender-Affirming Policies Support Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth’s Health