Julia Crowley, MD
I am a third-year endocrinology fellow at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. I am doing primarily research currently with some clinical time. I also am the chief fellow for our fellowship program, and I spend time working with leadership on orientation, recruitment, scheduling, and fellow wellness. I am originally from Northern Virginia. I went to the College of William and Mary for undergrad, to Virginia Commonwealth University for medical school, and University of California San Diego for my pediatric residency. I am interested in neuroendocrinology and hypothalamic obesity. I plan to have a primarily clinical career but would like to be involved with medical education.
My interest in endocrine developed in college. I had a great opportunity to teach a diabetes education class at a local clinic during college. Then I spent a summer in college doing basic science research on beta cell dysfunction in type 1 diabetes. Those two experiences solidified that I loved both the science and patient care aspects of endocrinology. I did a 1-month pediatric endocrinology elective in medical school at VCU. Dr. Anshu Gupta organized the elective and was incredibly supportive in fostering my interests. At CHOP, I have been doing research with Dr. Shana McCormack. She is an amazing mentor who is a powerhouse for both excellent research and clinical care.
In terms of experiences that helped shape my career path, for the past two summers, I went to diabetes camp at Camp Setebaid in central Pennsylvania with Dr. Jill Brodsky and Dr. Chris Gibson. It was a great experience and solidified my decision to continue diabetes care as an attending.