Dear PES members and friends,
With the advancing fall, our recent elections led to an outstanding slate of new leaders for next year. Congratulations to Laurie Cohen, Andrew Dauber, and Paul Thornton (President Elect, Director, and Treasurer, respectively)! PES leadership has been busy with further refinement of our 5-year Strategic Plan under the direction of Mark Palmert. We will soon be surveying the society membership regarding pros and cons of 2 year vs 3 year periods for fellowship training. A brief survey is being developed and will be distributed in the near future – please weigh in on this important issue!
This month I wish to highlight the Research Affairs Committee under the leadership of Steve Mittelman, and its related committee, the NIH Liaison Committee, currently under the interim leadership of David Breault.
Steve and his energetic committee are hard at work this time of year. This committee manages the “Rising Star” Awards and recently selected 5 awardees and the inaugural Raphael David award. They have vetted and posted 3 membership surveys during the last 3 months with 4 others pending. The Research Affairs Committee plays a major role in structuring research mentoring programs and their MINGLE (Mentorship Innovation Networking Growth Leadership in pediatric Endocrinology) program is currently being designed for the coming meeting in Chicago. Great work Steve et al!
The NIH Liaison committee had its genesis with our celebrated Past President, Sharon Oberfield, to bring NIH representatives closer to membership and to foster communication and guidance with NIH, especially as relates to navigation through the grant application process. The committee is now recognized as a fully independent committee and is working with representatives at NIH to these points. Remember that an important means of getting pediatric endocrine expertise on study sections is to volunteer! You can tap into NIDDK information on this issue at:
and see the tab “Become an NIDDK Reviewer”. John Connaughton at NIDDK and Karen Winer at NICHD welcome your inquiries.
For PES commentary on the most recent NICHD Strategic Plan, see:
Enjoy the coming holidays with family and friends,

Tom Carpenter, MD
The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the outcome of the PES 2023 Election
Congratulations to the newly elected!
President: Laurie Cohen, MD
Treasurer: Paul Thornton, MMBS
Director: Andrew Dauber, MD, MMSc
The slate of candidates this year was truly stellar, and all would have served the Society with distinction. The Nominating Committee would like to thank all candidates for their willingness to contribute to PES and to all those who voted.
Congratulations to the 2023 Rising Star Recipients
Sarah Schlegel, MD (Raphael David Rising Star) – Boston Children’s Hospital
Kathryn Nagel, MD – Massachusetts General Hospital
Sujatha Seetharman, MD, MPH – University of California, San Francisco
Sonia Gera, MD – Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Natalie Segev, MD – University of Cincinnati
Save the date! 2024 PES Annual Meeting: May 2-5, 2024 A lot of reasons to plan to join us!
Mark your calendars for the 2024 PES Annual Meeting from May 2 to May 5, 2024. Don’t miss out on this exciting event – there are numerous compelling reasons to make sure you’re part of it!
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Get ready! Annual Meeting Registration opens in early February
Be sure to bookmark our Annual Meeting webpage and check back frequently for updates and additional information.
Calling all Fellows! Spring Retreat Applications being accepted…Act now! Deadline December 8, 2023
The Spring Retreat is held annually, in association with PES Annual Meeting and targets Pediatric Endocrine Society (PES) members* in their first or second year of Pediatric Endocrinology training. The goals of the Spring Retreat are to develop and practice critical thinking skills in clinical Pediatric Endocrinology, learn about different career trajectories within the field, and network with other fellows and faculty. Fellows will prepare and present cases to an audience of peers and faculty.
The 2024 retreat will be held from May 5-7 in Chicago, IL. Once PES has received the application form, CV, and Reference Form, the applicant will receive an email confirming that the application is complete.
Application Deadline: Friday, December 8, 2023 @ 11:59 PM ET
*Please note: If you are not currently a fellow member of PES, you need to join to be eligible by November 30, 2023.
It is not too late to submit an Abstract!
The Pediatric Endocrine Society is pleased to accept abstracts to be considered for presentation at the 2024 Annual Meeting taking place in Chicago from May 2 – 5. The abstract submission deadline is 11:59 PM ET on Tuesday, December 5.
Your contributions can help shape the program’s content and enhance its scientific rigor! We invite each of you to submit your work for inclusion via our online portal and to join us in networking with your peers and experts.
Click here to access the abstract submission instructions: PES-2024-Abstract-Submission-Instructions-FINAL-1.pdf (
Click here to submit your abstract: PES 2024 Abstract Submission (
New Drugs and Therapeutics Update – NGENLA
By Dania Al-Hamad, MD, and Christine Yu, MD
NGENLA (somatrogon-ghla), a once-weekly, human growth hormone analog, was approved by the FDA in June 2023 for treatment of growth failure in pediatric patients aged three years and older with growth hormone deficiency (GHD). Approval was based on an open label multicenter randomized active-controlled non-inferiority study comparing once-weekly somatrogon 0.66 mg/kg/week to once daily somatropin 0.24 mg/kg/week in prepubertal children demonstrating similar 12-month height velocity and safety between the two growth hormone groups. Once-weekly NGENLA is available in two prefilled disposable pens, 24 mg/1.2 mL (delivering somatrogon in 0.2 mg increments) and 60 mg/1.2 mL (delivering somatrogon in 0.5 mg increments) and can be administered any time of the day.
Click here to read more:
New Drugs and Therapeutics Update: News From Novo Nordisk – Levemir® discontinuation
Novo Nordisk announced on 11/8/2023 that their long-acting insulin, Levemir®, will be phased out from United States markers completely discontinuing by December 2024. It cited manufacturing constraints, reduced patient access and available alternatives. Novo Nordisk to discontinue Levemir insulin in U.S. market | Reuters
Read more here:
New Meds and Tech: Update to the Vosoritide (VoxzogoTM) indication in USA
Prepared on behalf of PES Drugs and Therapeutics Committee by Anna Ryabets-Lienhard, DO
On October 20, 2023 US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has extended approval of Voxzogo to children with Achondroplasia of all age groups with open epiphyses under accelerated approval program. The label includes an updated recommended daily weight-based dosage and injection volume for infants and children of ≥ 3 kg (label (
The results from an open-label, long-term phase 2 extension study were presented by BioMarin at the 2023 European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting and are currently pending publication.
Previously, in 2021, the FDA approved Voxzogo for children with Achondroplasia over 5 years of age with open epiphyses.
REFERENCES: label ( – replacing the 2021 label
Medication Shortage Alert – Pamidronate Disodium Injection
Prepared on behalf of PES Drugs and Therapeutics Committee by Anna Ryabets-Lienhard, DO
Update 10/25/23: As of August-September, there has been a national shortage of pamidronate IV injection. The current reasons are due to Areva is no longer manufacturing the product, and Pfizer is experiencing ‘manufacturing delays’. Read more:
Reminder: Now Accepting 2024 Research Fellowship Awards, Clinical Scholar Awards and EDI Award Applications! Deadline: December 14, 2023 @ 5:00 PM ET. Apply now!
Research Fellowship Award Purpose
To support the final year of research training in a Pediatric endocrinology fellowship for highly qualified individuals preparing for a career in academic Pediatric endocrinology. Both clinical and basic research projects are eligible.
Clinical Scholar Award Purpose
To promote early career research development of academic Pediatric endocrinologists.
EDI Award Purpose
To support conducting research, clinical or educational endeavors that address health disparities and/or focus on diversity, equity and inclusion in the field of Pediatric endocrinology. Potential areas of interest include, but are not limited to; an increased understanding of implicit and explicit bias, career development of minority physicians, quality improvement, healthcare outcomes, equity in mentorship and outreach efforts.
Nominations for 2024 Awards & Lectures Deadline –December 14, 2023 @ 5:00 PM ET
- Judson J. Van Wyk Prize
- The Del and Beverly Fisher Pediatric Endocrinology History Lectureship
- Young Investigator Award
- Clinician Award
- Educator Award
- Senior Researcher Award
*Please note all nominations must be submitted through the online portal (link below)
Click Here for Nomination Requirements & Instructions
2024 PedsENDO Discovery Program Nominations
We invite you to nominate medical students and first year residents interested in pursuing a possible career in Pediatric endocrinology to attend the 2024 PES Annual Meeting. This year, we are excited to be able to fund 60 medical students to attend the meeting!
News from the NIH- Sexual & Gender Minority (SGM) Administrative Supplements program
Dear Investigator,
The National Institutes of Health is currently accepting applications for the Sexual & Gender Minority (SGM) Administrative Supplements program. Applications are reviewed once annually; the due date for Fiscal Year 2024 is January 31, 2024, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
This program allows the addition of SGM populations or related research questions to existing, active parent grants, provided that the proposed research is within the scope of the parent grant. A wide variety of projects have been funded at NIH since the program’s inception in 2016 (see the program’s website here), including those not typically associated with SGM populations. For example, previous grantees have added a sample to their current studies, completed a pilot study, or conducted secondary analyses. I encourage you to apply if it is relevant to your project.
More information about the program, application process, and related contact information can be found within the Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) regarding Administrative Supplements for Research on Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations (NOT-OD-22-032). Basic, social, behavioral, clinical, translational, and health services research may be proposed in response to this solicitation.
As evident in the NIDDK Strategic Plan for Research, NIDDK is committed to empowering a multidisciplinary research community, engaging diverse partners, and leveraging discoveries of connections among diseases to improve prevention, treatment, and health equity (including SGM populations)—pathways to health for all.
Please reach out to the NIDDK point of contact for this NOSI: Vanessa White, MPH ( and/or the program official for your active NIDDK award with any questions.
EDI Spotlight: The Nobel Peace Prize Winner- Narges Mohammadi recognizing her activism on behalf of women’s rights in Iran
Click here to learn more: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Initiative – Pediatric Endocrine Society (
Podcast Club – SAVE THE DATE! Tuesday, December 12, 2023
The EDI Task Force invites all to join our inaugural Podcast Club on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 8:00pm Eastern time on the podcast “Moving Beyond the Gender Binary by Alok Vaid-Menon on the Laverne Cox Show,” moderated by Kara Connelly and J Whitehead.
Laverne Cox, a transgender actress, producer, and equal-rights advocate, hosts poet and performance artist ALOK in a thought-provoking conversation about the history of the gender binary and their experience living in the world as a gender-nonconforming non-binary person. Listen to the podcast beforehand, then join us for a discussion!
Spotify –
Online Education
Bone and Mineral SIG State of the Art Webinar: Bone Stress Injuries and Stress Fractures in Adolescents and Young Adults: Natural History, Evaluation and Management Strategies
Date: Friday, December 15, 2023 at 1:00 PM EST
Description: Review of risk factors and metabolic workup to consider in adolescents and young adults with bone stress injuries, as well as management strategies.
Learning Objectives:
- To have a better understanding of common risk factors for bone stress injuries in active and athletic youth.
- To have a better understanding of the natural history and typical healing trajectory of bone stress injuries in athletic youth and discuss when a metabolic or genetic bone disease workup is necessary.
- To have a better understanding of treatment strategies for active and athletic youth with current or past bone stress injury history.
Dr. Aurelia Nattiv
Professor UCLA Departments of Family Medicine and Orthopedic Surgery
Division of Sports Medicine and Non-Operative Orthopedics
Director, UCLA Bone Health Program
David Geffen
School of Medicine at UCLA Associate Team Physician,
UCLA Athletics Office
Fellow Spotlight: Jade Wyatt, MD
Meet Jade: November Fellow Spotlight-Jade Wyatt, MD – Pediatric Endocrine Society (
In Memoriam
In Memoriam – Dr. Barry B. Bercu 1944-2023 – Pediatric Endocrine Society (
Historic Tidbit: The Somatomedin and Dual Effector Theories of Growth Hormone Action
Submitted by Alan D. Rogol, MD, PhD
What is PES Connects and Why Should I Subscribe?
PES Connects is an easy to use site with the ability to network with fellow PES members and receive the latest news all in one place. The membership has been asking for a voice and a platform with powerful social networking, discussion, and information-sharing tools, and this tool delivers.
This online community platform offers a more robust version of a traditional discussion board.
This platform:
- Allows members to ask questions to fellow peers across the profession year-round without geographic restrictions, giving members the ability to be a vital resource to others by responding to their questions to help strengthen the pediatric endocrine community.
- Provides enhanced communication across the specialty.
- Offers a place to neatly house articles, and meeting presentations and make searching for these resources easy and immediate.
- Provides topic-based communities for members to participate in subjects that are important to you.
- Allows for easy, quick searches for members in the database, making connections with new colleagues and old friends a snap