Jean H. Dussault, MD
Working with our 10th president, Del Fisher, JH Dussault adapted a method for the determination of thyroxine by RIA to blood spots used for newborn PKU genetic screening (Guthrie cards). In Quebec he used this technique to launch an automated screening program using the samples for the Network for Genetic Medicine and their follow-up facilities. The first 47,000 children yielded 3 with low thyroxine binding protein levels and 7 with hypothyroidism [J Pediatr 1975; 86:670]. Therapy within a few days with ~10/µg/kg/d thyroxine prevents signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism including short stature and loss of intelligence. The technique may also be used to determine correction of iodine deficiency at a population level [Delange Horm Res 1997; 48:51].
submitted by Alan D. Rogol, MD, Ph.D