Historical Tidbit: Sir Victor Alexander Haden Horsley (1857 to 1916) and Myxoedema
Submitted by Alan D. Rogol, MD, Ph.D.
Horsley, a surgeon, professor and superintendent of the Brown Institution in London was interested in the thyroid and was a member of the Clinical Society to study myxoedema and cretinism in 1883. He produced experimental evidence that myxoedema, cretinism and cachexia strumipriva are all due to deficient thyroid function (Proc R Soc London 1884-1885; 38:5). He had initially suggested implanting bits of sheep’s thyroid subcutaneously, but reverted to the administration of thyroid extract after Murray, his protégée, had shown its efficacy (BMJ 1891; 2:796-797). He later investigated pituitary physiology and was successful in keepin 2 hypophysectomized dogs alive for 5-6 months (Lancet 1886; 2:5).