Historical Tidbit: Dr. David Marine (20 September 1880 to 6 November 1976) and NaI as goiter prophylaxis
Submitted by Alan D. Rogol, MD, Ph.D
David Marine, an American pathologist, re-started the virtually abandoned practice of adding iodine to the diet to prevent goiter. During 1916 to 1920 he administered 3 grains of NaI, taken daily in drinking water for two 10 day periods, spring and autumn to approximately 5000 schoolgirls in Akron, OH. Those who refused became the “control” group. The efficacy was an astonishing 100 % (Arch Int Med 1920; 25:661). None in the iodide group, but nearly ½ in the control group, had goiter. Of those with goiter at the beginning more than 2/3 became normal on later exam. Similar findings were obtained in West Virginia and Michigan leading to recommend that all table salt be standardized to 0.01 % iodide.