How to Apply
Application will open in the Fall 2025.
Do you know a young pediatrician or pediatric endocrinologist in a resource limited country who would like to gain experience or specific skills in your clinic or lab? Are you interested in hosting such a person at your institution?
The PES is now accepting applications for the PES International Scholar Award.
PES will award two (2) scholarships: one for the applicants from Central America and The Caribbean and the other for the applicants from the rest of the world.
The award is designed to allow for pediatric colleagues interested in endocrinology from foreign countries to visit and work in the clinics and laboratories of PES members and to attend the PES annual meeting, with a particular goal of helping younger colleagues and individuals from countries with disadvantaged economies.
The deadline for applications has passed for 2024 awards.
About the Program
The Pediatric Endocrine Society is committed to improving the care of children with endocrine conditions worldwide. One means to accomplish this objective is to make it possible for colleagues from countries outside North America to visit and work in the clinics and laboratories of PES members and to attend the PES annual meeting. While some colleagues from foreign countries are able to make such visits, visitors to pediatric endocrine units in North America are frequently senior members of pediatric endocrine groups and often come from economically advantaged countries. Few opportunities for such visits are afforded to younger colleagues or to individuals from countries with limited economic resources. The PES International Scholars Program is intended, in so far as possible, to address this problem.
Objectives Of The Program
Basic tenets of the PES International Scholars Program are that foreign applicants eligible for the awards will be identified by PES members and the applicant and the PES member will prepare the application jointly; if the applicant receives the award, the PES member will serve as host for the awardee while they are in North America. The host and the awardee will define the awardee’s educational goals for the visit and will devise a program for attaining these goals. The goals might include observation in the host’s clinics, opportunities for library research and for preparation of manuscripts, acquisition of techniques used in the host’s laboratory, and development of long-term collaborative projects between the awardee and the host. For potential applicants who do not have a specific sponsor, the Program will attempt to assist in identifying potential interested sponsors.
In addition to the visit in the host’s endocrine unit, the awardee will attend the annual meeting of the PES, whenever logistically possible. It will be optimal, therefore, for the time spent by the awardee in the host’s endocrine unit to coincide with the PES meeting. It is intended that the awardee be present in North America for at least 4 weeks, but for no more than 3 months. The 4 week minimum will allow sufficient time for the awardee to have a meaningful visit in the host’s unit, considering that the awardee will also be expected to spend up to 1 week at the annual meeting of the PES and, if desired, at the joint meetings of the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS), the American Pediatric Society (APS), the Society for Pediatric Research (SPR), and the Ambulatory Pediatric Association (APA).
The 3 month maximum period is selected to avoid giving the awards to individuals who are residing in the USA or Canada, who are receiving salaries from North American institutions, or who are on prolonged sabbatical leave from their home countries. Reports on the visit, from the applicant and the sponsor, will be submitted to the scholarship committee after the visit.
Amount of the Award
Each award will have a value of $4,500 (U.S. Funds) for a 3 month visit, prorated for shorter visits: $3,000 for 2 month stay; $1,500 for 1 month stay to cover her/his subsistence. The travel expenses from the home country to North America for each scholar are covered separately. The host will be expected to provide any additional support that is needed, facilitating the travel/hotel arrangements for the annual meeting.
Qualifications of the Award Recipient
The principal intended recipients of these awards are young physicians involved in the care of children with endocrine disorders or are pediatric endocrine researchers who reside in countries with limited economic resources, have completed their training, are in the early stages of their academic career, and who have never had a professional opportunity in North America. Applicants from all countries will be considered, but strong preference will be given to applicants with the following qualifications:
- The preferred applicants should reside and work in nations with limited health education resources. Such countries include those in Eastern Europe, South America, Asia and Africa. Applications from individuals who reside in an industrialized nation with a healthy economy will be given lower priority.
- The applicant should have an MD or PhD degree, have completed formal training, and have active interest in the field of pediatric endocrinology. PhDs who are engaged in research are eligible, if the relevance of their research to pediatric endocrinology can be documented.
- Preference will be given to applicants under the age of 45 at the time of the annual PES meeting they are to attend. This criterion will not be used to rigidly exclude older physicians who have not had the chance to interact with North American colleagues, and whose visit is expected to be highly valuable for the awardees unit.
- Preference will be given to academically promising junior or mid-level faculty in a medical school, research institute or equivalent facility. This will help assure that the award is given to academicians, and will exclude persons who are involved only in private practice or are government functionaries.
- The applicant should understand and speak English.
- The applicant must be able to provide a letter of recommendation from his/her supervisor.
- The applicant must have a US or Canadian sponsor who is a member in good standing of the PES (dues paid and a regular participant in the society). The sponsor must serve as the host for the applicant should they receive an award. One PES member institution cannot apply for more than one applicant per year. The sponsor/host:
- Identifies suitable applicants
- Helps define the applicant’s goals for the visit
- Assists in preparing the application
- Works with the awardee in making arrangements for the visit (travel, visa, etc)
- Provides all additional support needed by the awardee, above that included in the award
- Assures that the experiences of the awardee in the host’s endocrine unit are profitable
- Serves as the host for the awardee at the PES Annual Meeting, ensuring that the awardee has opportunities to interact with PES members
Award Winners
2024: Dr. Swathi Padmanaban, MD, Rainbow Children's Hospital and Birthright, Chennai. Sponsor: Dr. Shylaja Srinivasan, University of California San Francisco
2019: Dr. Varuna Vyas All India Institute of Medical Sciences Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India Sponsor: Â Dr. Ram Menon at Michigan University
2018: Dr. Samar Hassan Jafar Ibn Auf Paediatric Hospital Sudan Sponsor: Dr. Philip Zeitler, Children's Hospital of Colorado
2017: Dr. Subhana Karki National Academy of Medical Sciences, Kanti Children’s Hospital Kathmandu, Nepal Sponsor: Dr. Holley Allen, Baystate Children's Hospital, Springfield, MA 2016: Dr. Subhana Karki Kanti Children's Hospital Kathmandu, Nepal Sponsor: Dr. Holley Allen, Baystate Children's Hospital, Springfield, MA Dr. Sigrid Marichal Centro Habana Children's Hospital Havana, Cuba Sponsor: Dr. Ricardo Gomez, Louisiana State University, Children's Hospital, New Orleans, LA
2015: Dr. Emmanuel Ameyaw Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital Ghana Sponsor: Dr. Jean-Pierre Chanoine, British Columbia Children's Hospital, Vancouver, Canada
2014: Dr. Rajesh Joshi BJ Wadia Hospital for Children Mumbai, India Sponsor: Dr. Ram Menon, CS Mott Children's Hospital, University of Michigan
2013: Dr. Marija Pozgaj-Sepec Zagreb, Croatia Sponsor: Dr. Jadranka Popovic, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
2011: Tania Espinosa-Reyes, MD Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología La Habana, Cuba. Sponsors: Oscar Escobar & Dorothy Becker, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, PA
2010: Henry Marcano, MD Caracas, Venezuela. Sponsor: Silva Arslanian, MD, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
2009: Mónica Marcela Molina-Paredes, MD Universidades Católica, Santiago y De La Frontera Temuco, Chile. Sponsor: Stuart A. Chalew, MD, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA. Marisela Medina, MD Caracas, Venezuela. Sponsor: Nelly Mauras, Nemours Children's Hospital, Jacksonville, FL Shadab Sadehpour Children's Hospital of Tehran, Iran. Sponsor: Robert Rosenfield, MD, University Of Chicago. Chicago, IL.
2008: Alvaro Aguirre-Villafan, MD Universidad San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca Bolivia Sponsor: Silva Arslanian, MD Children's Hospital and University of Pittsburgh, PA Dr. Vandana Jain Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi, India Sponsor: Ram K. Menon, MD University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Marisela Medina, MD Sponsored by Roberto Lanes, MD Caracas, Venezuela Sponsor: Nelly Mauras, MD Nemours Children's Clinic and Mayo Medical School, Jacksonville, Florida.
2007: María Fernanda Macedo-Paulino, MD Universidade Federale de Campiñas Brasil Sponsor: Alfonso Vargas, MD, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center & Children's Hospital, New Orleans, LA Hamilton Cabral De Meneses, Filho, MD University of Sao Paulo Brasil Sponsor: Michael Levine, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH. Borjana Bukara, MD Banja Luka Bosnia-Herzegovina Sponsor: Stuart Chalew, MD, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at Children's Hospital, New Orleans, LA (Approved in 2005).
2004: Mira Samardzic Podgorica, Montenegro Sponsor: Dr Jadranka Popovic, Children's Mercy Hospital, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO Aria Stoodeh, MD Tehran Unversity of medical Sciences Tehran, Iran Sponsor: Stuart Chalew, MD, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at Children's Hospital, New Orleans, LA
2003: Dr. Ivana Unic Split, Croatia North American Sponsor: Dr Jadranka Popovic, Children's Mercy Hospital, University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO
2002: Raphael Del Roio Liberatore Junior, MD Sao Jose do Rio Preto Medical School Sao Jose do Rio Preto , Brasil Sponsor: Dennis Daneman, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada Alvaro Arango, MD Bolivariana Pontificia University Medellín, Colombia Sponsor: Marco Danon, Miami Children's Hospital. Miami, FL
2001: Miguel A. Alvarez-Gonzales, PhD Havana, Cuba Sponsor: Guy Van Vliet, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Regino Pineiro, MD Havana, Cuba Sponsor: Dorothy Becker, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, PA Natalya Kalintchenko, MD Endocrinological Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Moscow, Russia Sponsor: Michael Levine, Johns Hopkins, Children's Center, Baltimore, MD
2000: María Cecilia García-Rudaz, MD Centro de Investigaciones Endocrinológicas - C.E.D.I.E. Buenos Aires, Argentina Sponsor: Ron Rosenfeld, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland OR Gabriela Finkielstein, MD Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez" Buenos Aires, Argentina Sponsor: Saul Malozowski, MD, National Institute of Health, Bethesda MD Leticia Martínez, MD Universidad Metropolitana Barranquilla, Colombia. Sponsor: Stuart A. Chalew, MD, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA
1999: Daniela C. Rogoff, MD Hospital General de Niños "Ricardo Gutiérrez" Buenos Aires, Argentina Sponsor: Celso Gomez-Sánchez. University of Missouri, Columbia MO Jozsef Kovacs, MD Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical University Szeged, Hungary Sponsor: Scott A Rivkees, MD, Yale University School of Medicine, New Heaven CT
1998: María de la Luz Ruiz Reyes, MD Instituto Nacional de Pediatría México DF, México. Sponsor: Alfonso Vargas, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA
1997: Manuel Vera-Gonzales, MD Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología Havana, Cuba Sponsor: Arlan Rosenbloom, MD, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Andrea Dardis, PhD Hospital de Pediatría "J.P. Garran" Buenos Aires, Argentina Sponsor: Walter L. Miller, University of California, San Francisco, CA Niedziela Marek, PhD University of Medical Sciences Poznan, Poland Sponsor: Michael S. Kappy, University of Colorado, Denver CO
1996: Carla Demeterco-Nogara, MD Universidad Federal de Paraná Curitiba, Brasil Sponsor: Alberto Hayek, The Whittier Institute for Diabetes research UCSD, La Jolla, CA Svetlana Ten, MD, Ph.D. Republican Endocrinological Department at 3rd Children's Hospital Minsk, Belarus Sponsors: Marco Danon, MD & Fima Lifshitz, MD, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY Â Maja Konstantinova, MD University Children's Hospital, Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic Sofia, Bulgaria Sponsor: Stuart Brink, MD, NEDEC, Waltham, MA
1995: Ricardo Silva, MD Hospital Roberto del Rio Santiago, Chile Sponsor: Stuart Chalew, MD University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD María Isabel Rojas-Gabulli, MD Instituto de Salud del Nino Lima, Perú Sponsors: Marco Danon & Fima Lifshitz, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY Robertas Kemezys, Institute of Endocrinology, Kaunas Medical Academy Kaunas, Lithuania Sponsor: Howard E. Kulin, MD, The Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA
1994: Hamilton Cassinelli, MD Hospital de Niños "Ricardo Gutierrez" Buenos Aires, Argentina Sponsors: Julio Santiago and Michael Whyte, Washington University, St. Louis, MO Alexander Kurtev MD Sofia, Bulgaria Sponsor: Arlan Rosenbloom, MD, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Vera Sokolovskaya, MD Moscow, Russia Sponsor: Arlan Rosenbloom, University of FL, Gainesville, FL Vijaya Senoy Manipal, India Sponsor: Jayashree Rao, MD, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA
1993: Hernán García, MD Universidad de Chile. Sponsor: Fernando Cassorla, MD, NIH, Bethesda MD Ana Lucia Martínez, MD Ecuador Sponsor: Arlan Rosenbloom, MD, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Maria Ginalska-Malinowska, MD Children's Health Center Warszawa, Poland Sponsor: Phyllis Speizser/ Perrin White, The New York Hospital. Cornell Medical Center. New York, NY Anatoly Tiul'Pakov, MD Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Moscow, Russia Sponsor: Melvin M. Grumbach, University of California, San Francisco, CA Nihal Wahby, MD Cairo, Egypt Sponsor: Felix A, Comte, University of California San Francisco Chittiwat Suprasongsin Ramathibodi Hospital Bangkok, Thailand Sponsor: Dorothy Becker, MD, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA Feyza Darendeliler, MD Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Sponsor: John Kirkland, MD, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
1992: Ofelia Vélez, MD Hospital "Casa del Nino" Universidad Libre Cali, Colombia Sponsor: Marco Danon, MD, Harvard University, Boston, MA Mauricio Coll, MD Universidad Nacional de Colombia Bogotá, Colombia Sponsor: Alfonso Vargas, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA